Erotic Drawing and You
Sex tips

Erotic Drawing and You

By Emmeline Peaches, 08.06.2020

Do you get horny by drawing art? We recommend you to read this article! In this article, we’ll tell you the erotic thoughts behind art.

Anyone who studies Art History will tell you without hesitation that the history of art is intricately intermingled with the history of sex.

Whether it’s the great renaissance classics (trying to justify the nudity of their subject through mythological themes) or artists such as Egon Schiele (who were just drawing blatant, undeniable smut) art is often linked to sex and the arousal of either the painter, the subject, or the viewer. Sometimes all three, but that’s something best reserved for an upcoming pornography shoot (can you say ‘exhibitionism’?)

But what happens when you decide to stop being the just viewer and become either subject or artist too? Quite a lot as it happens.

The Benefits of Art

The benefits of art have been long-documented, and are part of the reason why the Arts are considered a cultural form well worth preserving for all generations.

But perhaps the most significant discovery in recent years is just how beneficial drawing, painting, or practicing some other form of ‘art’ can be towards mental well-being.

Arts therapy is now an established field, and a valid form of recovery from mental health concerns. Some places, such as the Berkeley Creative Wellness Center even make it the core form of therapy for their patients.

Creating art is often considered to be calming—perhaps working in a similar way to mindfulness (in that it helps people focus on the moment at hand)—while the sense of achievement and creative outlet provided by art can often leave people with a stronger sense of identity and worth.

If you are the subject of art then (if life modelling is anything to go by) chances are you’ll get a kick out of being the object of desire, while also feeling empowered by being a literal artistic muse. It can, in short, be a real confidence-booster.

Adding Eroticism

Of course, adding an erotic layer to your drawing practices comes with its own unique benefits too, many of which are attached to the more overtly sexual nature of the practice.

Those who draw with eroticism in mind may be finding a way to explore a fetish or desire that they have yet to be able to fully encapsulate. In such instances erotic drawing may be liberating (and perhaps a bit daring) in ways that other mediums might not be. It takes a while to skim through written erotica, after all, whereas art has a sense of immediacy.

If you have a life subject for your erotic drawing then you may also find that a palpable sense of overt desire grows during the process. This may particularly be the case if you are engaging in erotic drawing as an act of sexual exploration together.

In such instances there is a sense of sexual adoration that may be beneficial for both artist and subject. Allowing yourself a chance to be vocal about your desires, as well as then dedicating that to paper (or a canvas) is near-indescribable. Aside from the obvious boost to sexual confidence, the life model also gets the benefit of seeing their body in a sexual manner from someone else’s perspective. Things they may have glossed over (or perhaps even disliked) may suddenly gain a new light in the eyes of a sexual partner.

The mere prospect is enough to get one investing in a pencil and pad.

Types of Erotic Art

But before you fling yourself in to erotic drawing it pays to remember that there are different types. The most common will likely fall in to one of these categories (though there is some variation):

Life Drawing: 
The iconic Titanic scene of ‘paint me like one of your French girls’ but with even more steam in the air. Life drawing involves a subject (or subjects) which the artist then tries to depict. Life drawing is considered to be invaluable due to the additional grasp on light and shading it provides. It also has an additional mindfulness element that other methods may not embody as much.

Drawing From Photography: 
Is there a particular erotic image that has caught your attention? Or perhaps a scene from your favourite pornography? Why not take the time to try and recreate it with your own hand? Drawing from photography is not necessarily as highly considered as life drawing, but who cares when you get to spend your time embodying the sexy imagery that inspired you to start with? As we said before, your perspective of what is most captivating will have an impact on the end product, so don’t doubt that you’re creating a very valid form of erotic art if you draw from photography (or other references).

Drawing From Memory/Imagination: 
This is the carefree doodle that most of us like to venture in to from time-to-time. Unbound by realistic depictions, drawing from memory and/or your imagination can allow you to delve in to erotic desires in a manner that is wholly unique and individual. This method is great for finding your own style, though is best paired with one of the methods above.

So How Do I Get Started?


Or paint…or get out some charcoal…whichever medium works best for you. Heck, spend some time experimenting at first if you wish. You get the point.

We’re partial to biro doodles here at Dusk; the spontaneity of the practice adds to the sense of unrepressed desire. But we digress.

As with all types of art the first step is to get started and to see where you go. Of course, you may not be fantastic at first but practice makes perfect (or, at the very least, ‘pretty damned good’).

And while you seek improvement as you go along you’ll constantly be exploring your own sexuality and learning about yourself. Art doesn’t need to be flawless in order to tell us about ourselves and/or others—it just needs to exist with authenticity.

Where will your creative endeavours take you? That’s for you to learn.

Not finished with reading yet? We suggest you to read our beloved ‘’Love without Borders’’ erotic storyline. An intense storyline with a lot of hot sex and erotic conversations. Read it here!

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